Just Who Are We?

Monash Malaysia

Monash Malaysia

The 1Monash blog is the brainchild of journalism students, Abeer Yusuf, Joo Hoi Kang, Lisa Ariffin and Neneng Retna Kurnia. Our aim is to create a blog which offers an unvarnished take on elements of Monash University, Sunway Campus, Malaysia.

1Monash will cover the topics based on signature Monash lifestyle. We hope to please our readers with our transparency, promotion of good character and professionalism while delivering quality articles.

Abeer will cover the issue of working students, in light of the increasing amount of undergraduates with jobs. This profile takes on how these students juggle studies and a profession simultaneously.



Joo Hoi will cover the Monash Ball, a formal event held annually for all students. The event will be covered in detail along with insiders’ accounts on the preparations behind it.

Joo Hoi

Joo Hoi

Lisa will contribute a piece on Monash Talent Night. This event differs from the previous as Lisa was a finalist in the competition and will include her personal take on preparations towards this sell-out event.



Lastly, Neneng will handle the much discussed issue of the swine flu pandemic in the University. Actions taken by the University to curb the spreading of the disease and victim’s testimonies will be covered.



We also hope our readers’ will contribute their opinions to us. 1Monash values your thoughtful views on any news story featured here. Please avoid comments that are racist, sexist, vulgar or derogatory in nature. Occasionally, typographical errors may surface in our articles. This is not intentional and your feedback is much valued when this happens.

We can be reached at 1monash2903@gmail.com

Disclaimer- Please note that this is not an official Monash blog. This is an assignment being carried out by the aforementioned Monash students who have to write news articles online for their Journalism assignment. Views presented here are entirely the students’ own and are not representative of the University. Please do provide the students with constructive criticism on their articles whenever possible.

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